Is In-House Shredding A Bad Idea?

Office workers around a desk

When it comes to shredding, it appears to be such a simple task. Most businesses in Phoenix believe the simplest option is to shred documents themselves in-house. However, while the process of secure shredding is not difficult, it can have serious consequences for any business if not handled properly. From security to compliance, there are several compelling reasons to work with a reputable confidential shredding partner rather than handling document shredding yourself.

In-House Shredding is Time Consuming

Shredding is a time-consuming process. Especially if you’re utilizing a typical office shredder, the shredding procedure might consume a lot of valuable staff time. Because staples, paperclips, and other fasteners are not accepted by most basic shredders, they must be removed before shredding can begin. Furthermore, the shredding process itself, as well as the procedure of collecting all garbage once the shredding is completed, can be time-consuming.

There Are Always Additional Costs That Come Along with In-House Shredding

When you shred documents yourself, you will incur additional fees. Many folks who have chosen to conduct the shredding process themselves in order to save money are often surprised by this. In fact, this can be the more expensive option, not just in terms of employee time but also in terms of the expense of purchasing, operating, and maintaining shredding machines. Working with an outsourced shredding partner in Phoenix is typically far less expensive for enterprises.

Shredding Companies Have Advanced Shredding Technology

Most shredders are insecure. There are several various sorts of shredding cuts, and most simple office shredders will be on the bottom end of the security scale. A strip cut shredder, for example, is the cheapest option and will leave documents in lengthy strips that can be readily stitched back together. Even some cross-cut shredders will leave enough identifying information in your documents for important data to be extracted. This simply does not occur when the process is outsourced, as professional shredders employ shredding equipment that accomplishes the maximum level of destruction achievable.

High Security Risks when In-house Shredding

Internal security threats can be significant. Most organizations in Phoenix that handle shredding in-house do not have access to best-practice security standards. That means documents can sit around vulnerable, and there may be no defined plan in place to ensure regular shredding. Leaving documents lying about and accessible in this manner poses significant security hazards to any firm. Working with a shredding partner, on the other hand, is far more secure. You’ll receive secure consoles to keep documents until they’re shredded, as well as a regular shredding schedule, so there’s no time for documents to pile up for shredding.

Minimum Transparency and Chain of Custody

You won’t know what’s happening to your documents. Most companies don’t have a structured approach to shredding, which makes it hard to track where documents go and whether they’re being destroyed properly. But if you use an outside partner for shredding, the process is much more transparent. You’ll also get a certificate of destruction that can be used as proof if needed. This is vital for compliance purposes.

Secure Shredding in Phoenix

If you’re looking for a reliable and secure shredding partner in the Phoenix area, look no further than Assured Document Destruction. We offer a variety of document destruction services, from one-time shredding and scheduled shredding to hard drive destruction to meet your needs. Our team is always happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to get started!


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