4 Ways In-house Shredding Puts Your Phoenix Business at Risk


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When it comes to your Phoenix business, data security is one of the most important aspects of operations. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t put enough emphasis on protecting their information from threats like corporate espionage and identity theft. Companies can protect themselves by using in-house shredding services to destroy sensitive documents and data. While this may seem like a safe and secure way to protect your business, you should be aware of several risks associated with in-house shredding.


In this blog post, we’ll discuss four ways in-house shredding can pose a risk to your Phoenix business and look at why companies are reaching out to professional shredding services for a more secure solution.


Risk 1: Improper Disposal


When it comes to in-house shredding, one of the most common risks is improper disposal. Many businesses throw their documents into a regular trash can or dumpster, exposing them to theft. Even if the documents have been shredded, they could still be pieced together with enough time and effort. By relying on a professional shredding service, you can ensure that your documents are taken away and destroyed in a secure facility where they won’t be exposed to outsiders.

Risk 2: Compliance Issues


If your business handles sensitive information, such as customer data or financial records, you could be subject to various state and federal regulations. Failing to comply with these laws can result in hefty fines and other legal ramifications. Professional shredding services are familiar with the laws surrounding data security and will help you stay compliant when handling confidential documents.


Risk 3: Data Breach


Another risk associated with in-house shredding is data breaches. If your business has a limited security budget, then you may be tempted to cut corners and use cheaper, less secure methods for destroying documents. This can lead to potential vulnerabilities that could allow criminals to access your sensitive information or breach your network. Professional shredding services use specialized equipment and highly secure facilities to ensure that any documents or data you entrust them with are destroyed properly and safely.

Risk 4:  Human Error


Finally, there is the risk of human error when it comes to in-house shredding. Even if you take all the necessary precautions and your employees are properly trained, mistakes can still happen that put your business at risk. With professional shredding services provided by reputable companies like Assured Document Destruction Phoenix, you can be sure that your documents are destroyed quickly and accurately with no room for error. Furthermore, most shredding companies have measures in place to protect your business from costly mistakes caused by human error.

Conclusion: Hire a Professional To Do The Shredding!


In summary,  in-house shredding can pose various risks to your Phoenix business,  from improper disposal to data breaches and compliance issues. The best way to protect your company is by hiring a shredding company that uses specialized equipment, highly secure facilities, and measures to ensure accuracy. By taking the proper precautions when disposing of sensitive documents and data, you can keep your business safe from potential threats.


NAID AAA-Certified Professional Shredding in Phoenix:


At Assured Document Destruction Phoenix, we understand the importance of protecting confidential information, and our NAID AAA-certified shredding solutions will provide your business with the highest level of security. Our team is committed to providing you with a complete range of secure document destruction services in Phoenix that meet or exceed industry standards.


We provide customized shredding solutions for businesses of all sizes — from small offices to large companies. We can provide one-time service, scheduled shredding, and hard drive destruction for your convenience. Our services are designed to protect your data with the highest level of security and compliance.


For more information about our secure document destruction services in Phoenix, AZ, contact us today!


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